
Missouri Wind and Solar - Wind Power Experts since 2008


200 Amp Solid State Charge Controller with Digital LED Volt Meter for Wind Turbines and Solar Panels


Starting From: $0.00

4.39 lbs

Availability: Out of stock

Benefits of Solid State Relay:
  • Lower power consumption
  • Lower operating voltages
  • Higher reliability
  • Longer electrical life expectancy
  • Higher input-to-output isolation
  • No contact bounce or arcing
  • Physically smaller
  • Lower shock and vibration sensitivity
  • No magnetic field or electrical noise generation
Charge Controller Features:
  • 200 Amp surge, 140 amp continuous running
  • Multiple user changeable settings and trip points for many various system requirements and applications.
    • You can change the dump point voltage level, end of dump voltage level, and length of time in divert mode when end dump point voltage is reached (between 0 to 999 seconds, or 0 to 999 minutes)
  • Isolated Electronics Protection - Almost impossible to accidentally connect wind or solar directly to the circuit board
  • Battery Status LED lets you know your battery's actual voltage!
  • Green LED on board lets you know the controller is in dump mode
  • Plug & Play: Long leads for easy termination to your 12 volt battery or battery bank
  • Can divert the charging source from the batteries to the load or dump both the batteries along with the charging source.
  • Connect both wind and solar at the same time
  • Reverse polarity protection
  • Ultra low power consumption, even with the voltmeter on (almost negligible).
    • The voltmeter can be set to turn off after periods of inactivity
  • Designed, assembled and quality checked in Missouri USA using global parts.

Product Instruction Manuals:
About load diversion:

The basic operating philosophy of a diversion controller is quite simple. Monitor the battery voltage, and if it should rise to a predetermined level, connect a diversion load, of sufficient size, to the battery or energy source to prevent the battery voltage from increasing any further. This is a very simple, yet very effective way of preventing battery overcharging. All alternate energy systems should have some form of battery overcharge protection.

Several schools of thought on the subject:
  • The source of power (wind turbine, solar panels etc.) -- should remain connected to the batteries while the dump is active.
  • The source should be diverted to the load directly and disconnected from the batteries. We happen to believe that is far better to leave the wind turbine connected to the batteries at all times.

Why? When you remove the battery level voltage from a wind turbine and send its power directly to a load, then it sees for all practical purposes a short circuit (depending on the resistance of the load and lead wires.) This may cause the turbine blades to slow dramatically and in some cases bring it to a halt. This braking action can cause heat build up in the stator if it is repeated every few seconds or so (if the battery is just a little over the top). When you allow the turbine to see the batteries, along with the load, the turbine remains more within its design realm -- always a good thing. The internal relays are configured to dump the batteries along with the source, but if you desire to disconnect the source from

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