
Missouri Wind and Solar - Wind Power Experts since 2008


MidNite Solar WhizBang Jr

1 lbs

MidNite Solar WhizBang Jr

The Whiz Bang Jr is a current sense module that attaches to the standard 50mv / 500A Shunt and wires into the Classic and KID Charge controllers to give Amperage readings from the shunt. This allows for End Amps to function based on System amps or Classic amps.

  • Type 1 environmental rating
  • Warranty - 5 yrs.
  • Made in the USA

Product Description: The Whiz Bang Jr is a current sense module that attaches to the standard 50mv / 500A Shunt (MNSHUNT) and wires into the Classic and KID charge controllers to give Amperage readings from the shunt. To use the Whizbang jr (MNWBjr) with any of the Classic Lites, you will either need the local app or an MNGP.

Shipping Dimensions: 5"L x 4"W x 2"D

Shipping Weight: 1 lb

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